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Home > User Profile Management > Assigning Roles to Existing Employees
Assigning Roles to Existing Employees
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NOTE:  If you are associated with a Chartwell community, please contact AYST for assistance.


If an employee/managers works in multiple departments in your community, you can add secondary roles to a profile to ensure the correct compliance training is added to their profile.


  1. Select Site Admin>Add/Edit Users from your menu bar under the TLC logo
  2. Select the name of the employee you would like to update.

    You can use the search field to narrow down the list on screen.
  3. Click the cog wheel below Edit located at the far right of the screen.
  4. Select the new or additional role.

    For Staff: In ‘Member of’ start typing the community and/or department and choose from the list (profiles can have more than one role)

    For Managers: In ‘Manager of’ start typing the community and/or department and choose from the list (profiles can have more than one role).

  5. Click Update profile to save the profile.
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