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Home > Troubleshooting > Profile missing training
Profile missing training
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If profiles for your community do not have the correct courses assigned:


Solution 1 - Incorrect role assigned:


Check Profile (click on Administrator / Add&Edit users in menu bar) and check role assignment of that staff member.

Roles have different course assignments. Check Training Matrix to ensure staff member is assigned the correct role. Update if required.



Solution 2 - no role assigned:


Check the Add/Edit User window to see if the profile is visible in your user list.  If it is not, then a role needs to be added to the profile.  Please contact ORCA/ASCHA with the full name of the staff member and the role they should be assigned in TLC, and it will be added.


Once the profile has a role, the profile will be visible to you and the correct courses and/or visibility will assigned.



Solution 3 - no role assigned:


If they have the proper role and the correct training is not assigned, try editing the profile and re-saving without making any changes.  This will trigger the mapping process of courses.


To edit a profile:


  1. Select Administration>Add/Edit Users from your menu bar under the TLC logo.
  2. Select the name of the employee you would like to update.
    *You can use the search field to narrow down the list on screen.
  3. Click Edit Profile.



If none of these three solutions fixed the issue, please escalate to ORCA/ASCHA to investigate further.

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