TLC Website Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is my compliance meter a reflection of my own personal compliance?
A: The compliance meter reflects the entire home’s progress when a user has admin access. When a user has admin access to a certain department, the compliance meter will only show that specific departments progress. If a user is a general staff member, their compliance meter will demonstrate their personal compliance. For more information, please see the link attached:
Q: Do I need to edit the Training Calendar every year?
A: It is important to ensure that all mandatory training for each department is assigned to a month in the training calendar. However, this does not need to be done once the calendar year is up. TLC auto populates mandatory courses to user profiles based on their role; therefore, the courses do not need to be reset in the training calendar at the start of the new year. For more information, please see the link attached:
Q: Is the Mandatory Training Tab all mandatory training, or is it my personal courses?
A: The Mandatory Training tab on a user’s profile is a full list of courses specific to the cohort they have been assigned to. This list of courses must be completed by the end of the year, or whenever your TLC Administrator has instructed.
Q: If there are courses in the course catalog, we would like to be made mandatory for a certain cohort, how do we go about this?
A: If there is a course in the course catalog list that you would like to be made mandatory for a cohort, please reach out to the TLC team at [email protected] and we can add the course to a program that is specific to the cohort.
Q: As a TLC admin, why am I not able to edit other Manager’s profiles?
A: TLC does not allow Managers to edit other Managers profiles. If the admin needs to make changes or remove a manager from the site, please reach out to [email protected] to request the changes to be made.
Q: Under my site admin list of users, there are a lot of staff who no longer work at home, does this affect the overall compliance?
A: Yes, if the account is still active, this will affect the site’s overall compliance. It is important to go through this list of users and remove any employees that are no longer working at the home. By simply removing the home from the cohort listed in the “Manager of” or “Member of” function under their profile, this will remove them from the home and the user will no longer contribute to the overall compliance.
Q: Is there a resource we can provide new employees with to be familiar with TLC?
A: Yes, the Employee Guide is a great one-page synopsis on TLC that we recommend providing to new staff before they start working at your home. This resource is located under: Site Admin / Help / TLC Resources & Help Videos / Employee Guide.
Q: What is the difference between Direct Care and DC Opt?
A: When assigning a user to the Direct Care cohort, they are not assigned to any of the Assistance courses. For example: Assistance with Ambulation, Assistance with Bathing, Assistance with Feeding, Assistance with Dressing, Assistance with Personal Hygiene, and Continence Care. However, when a user is assigned to the DC Opt role, they are automatically assigned to the assistance courses. We recommend assigning all staff who provide any physical care to residents to be assigned to the DC Opt role to ensure your staff is well versed when providing hands-on care to your residents. You may refer to the Tutorial Assignment by Role Resource on our website to look at the course difference between the two departments:
Q: Why can’t I have both “Manager of” and “Member of” fields filled out?
A: It is very important not to add departments into both the “Member of” and “Manager of” sections when editing or creating new profiles. If both fields are filled, the site is unable to detect which department the user belongs to and will ultimately cancel out education. TLC auto populates courses to profiles once they have been assigned to a department.
Q: I have a new employee who is coming from another retirement home, can we transfer their profile?
A: Yes, the TLC Team can remove their previous employer from their profile and update it to the new home and department as per the request. You may email [email protected] to request this transfer.
Q: How do we get in touch with the TLC Team at ORCA directly?
A: You can reach us directly at [email protected] Alternatively, you can use the “Need Help?” widget on the website and choose “Submit a Ticket” for further assistance. Please provide as much detail as possible for the team to assist you.